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Aug 6, 2016


Bro Sinhala Cartoon - හිරෙන් පැනීමේ 9,10 වෙනි මෙහෙයුම්

Bro Sinhala Cartoon - හිරෙන් පැනීමේ 9,10 වෙනි මෙහෙයුම්

Lucky Luke closes down the corrupt settlement of Fenton Town, Texas and arrests the owner, Dean Fenton. Fenton brags about his town to the Daltons while in prison. A mix-up with the newly installed telegraph results in Joe Dalton being released for 'good behavior'. He breaks out the others and they decide to fix up Fenton Town, renaming it Dalton City. They capture Lucky Luke, who agrees to help them with the town. They hire some dancing girls and Lucky Luke plants the idea of staging a wedding to lure people. The wedding is between Joe and Lulu Breechloader, the singer. The guests arrive, but when the wedding is announced, it turns out that Lulu was unaware and is already married to the pianist, Wallace. Initially the guests shoot at Lucky Luke, but turn on Joe. The Cavalry arrives to round the criminals up, having been tipped off by Wild Trout, an Indian who won at roulette, having bet a vase, and expecting 36 other vases. After everyone has left, Belle, one of the dancing girls, manages to jump out of the (abnormally hard) cake. Dalton City eventually becomes Angel Junction, a town of 243,000 people.

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