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Nov 25, 2014


Wile E. Coyote And Road Runner To Beep Or Not To Beep

Wile E Coyote And Road Runner To Beep Or Not To Beep

The Coyote places a lasso in the road, and pulls back as soon as he hears his opponent, but he soon realizes that he missed, and there is no room on the cliff behind him to step back. He falls toward the ground, and the end of the lasso latches onto a loose rock on another outcropping as he passes it. Thinking the rock will be heavy enough to support him and prevent the impact, Wile E. ties his end of the lasso around his waist, but doesn't realize that the rope is too long before hitting the ground at full force. Still dazed by his miscalculation and the resulting impact, the Coyote pulls on the lasso and dislodges the rock, which drops on himself, leaving his form coiled up as he walks away.

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